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So far ducpmm has created 18 blog entries.

Moss Balls: Fish & shrimp buddies


The Secret to a Beautiful and Healthy Fish Tank with Marimo Moss Ball Marimo Moss Balls, which are also known as Marimo Algae Balls, Algae Balls, and Japanese Moss Balls, are a popular addition to aquariums. These green balls of algae are sold under different names in stores, but they are all the same thing. Although they are a type of algae, they don't behave like typical algae in aquariums. They won't spread throughout the tank or turn the water green. Moss Balls are available in different sizes, ranging from 2 inches to over 5 inches in diameter. The [...]

Moss Balls: Fish & shrimp buddies2023-05-20T05:21:54+00:00

Blood Worms: A Delicious and Nutritious Treat for Your Fish


The Nutritional Benefits of Blood Worms for Your Aquarium Fish If you're an aquarium hobbyist, you've likely heard of bloodworms. But do you know where they come from and if they are beneficial to your fish? In this article, we'll explore the different types of bloodworms and their purpose. What Are Blood Worms? Bloodworms can refer to different species, which can be confusing for newcomers. In the aquarium hobby, bloodworms are the larvae of small flies called midges. These larvae are less than half an inch long and are red because of the hemoglobin in their bodies, which [...]

Blood Worms: A Delicious and Nutritious Treat for Your Fish2023-05-20T05:22:42+00:00

Breeding Fish: Tips for Creating the Ideal Environment for Successful Mating


Understanding the Different Stages of Fish Reproduction Fish mating is a natural wonder that involves a variety of behaviors and strategies, depending on the species. In this article, we will delve into how fish mate, including the courtship, spawning, and parental care stages. Understanding Fish Mating: Fish mating involves several stages, starting with courtship. During this stage, male fish use bright colors and displays to attract females. Pheromones released by males signal their readiness to mate, and both fish engage in various behaviors such as nipping, rubbing, and swimming together in a circular motion. The actual mating process, known [...]

Breeding Fish: Tips for Creating the Ideal Environment for Successful Mating2023-05-20T09:26:50+00:00

Saltwater Aquariums: Colorful and Beautiful, but with Added Complexity


Exploring the Beauty and Complexity of Saltwater Aquariums If you're looking to add some of the most colorful and stunning fish to your aquarium, a saltwater tank might be right for you. With a well-maintained saltwater aquarium, you'll enjoy a range of colors and unique layouts that aren't typically seen in freshwater tanks. Popular saltwater fish include Clownfish, Green Chromis, Gobies, Dwarf Angelfish and Cardinal Fish. However, keeping these marine fish is not for beginners. It requires more maintenance and care than a freshwater tank. The main challenges include managing water changes and introducing new fish. Keeping the water [...]

Saltwater Aquariums: Colorful and Beautiful, but with Added Complexity2023-05-20T09:30:10+00:00

Freshwater Tank Beginner’s Guide: Setting Up and Maintaining a Thriving Aquarium with Popular Tropical Fish Species


Discover the Beauty and Complexity of Freshwater Aquariums Freshwater fish tanks are perfect for beginners as they are easy to set up and maintain. You can find a variety of freshwater fish, including popular ones like Bettas, Goldfish, Tetras, and Cichlids. One of the advantages of freshwater tanks is their accessibility, as they come in different sizes and shapes. They are also forgiving, so any mistakes are not severe. On average, you can spend 1-2 hours per week maintaining your freshwater tank, which includes water changes and filter maintenance. When setting up a freshwater tank, consider the initial [...]

Freshwater Tank Beginner’s Guide: Setting Up and Maintaining a Thriving Aquarium with Popular Tropical Fish Species2023-05-20T09:28:19+00:00

Hobby of aquarium fish churning thousands for Bangladesh schoolboy


In the last one and a half years, tenth-grader Mosaddek Mandal Rahat established his aquarium fish farm "RM Ornamental Fish Zone" on 1.5 acres of family land in his village. DHAKA – Tenth-grader Mosaddek Mandal Rahat never thought that he would be able to earn or become a successful entrepreneur at a very young age. The 16-year-old schoolboy from Faridpur Sadar upazila now earns at least Tk 80,000 per month through fish farming. Initially, Rahat had no experience in any specific area or capital to start a venture. But what he had was a hobby and passion for nurturing it. [...]

Hobby of aquarium fish churning thousands for Bangladesh schoolboy2023-05-20T09:29:26+00:00

World’s Largest Free-Standing Aquarium Bursts


World’s largest free-standing aquarium bursts, leaving 1,500 exotic fish dead Etiam consectetur odio erat, quis mattis leo vestibulum non. Fusce ex ligula, tristique quis finibus sed, placerat sed libero. Phasellus convallis, sem ac tristique interdum, purus purus vehicula quam, ut fermentum sem orci in est. Aliquam leo purus, iaculis non condimentum hendrerit, vestibulum quis tortor. Vestibulum quis viverra felis. Vestibulum elementum magna ut diam placerat, in venenatis est egestas. Vivamus at libero auctor, ullamcorper libero condimentum, pellentesque nunc. In auctor dignissim tristique. Follow your instincts Aliquam fringilla molestie nisi ut porttitor. Maecenas viverra velit id cursus rhoncus. Mauris [...]

World’s Largest Free-Standing Aquarium Bursts2023-05-20T09:29:52+00:00

New study finds herbivore fish poo is bad for corals


Corallivore fish poo is good For a long time, it has been assumed that herbivores are good for coral reefs and corallivores are bad. Herbivores like surgeonfish and rabbitfish graze the algae which would otherwise overgrow, smother and outcompete corals, and a reef without herbivores is generally thought of as being in poor health. In contrast, coral-eating fish are thought to be bad for reefs, consuming coral tissue and weakening hard coral structures, with no mutual benefit to reefs at all (other than making coral sand.) But a group of university researchers from the United States analyzed the feces [...]

New study finds herbivore fish poo is bad for corals2023-05-20T09:30:37+00:00
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